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Uncategorized Apr 16, 2020

So much is coming up for me through this period of reflection, how about you? 

I am noticing so much. I'd say that's the main change for me. I am noticing my own thoughts more than ever, my own behaviours and also noticing the behaviour of others more too. And it's not always a good thing because it can lead to a lot of judgement. 

Perhaps the reason for this is due to the fact that we all seem to have a bit more time on our hands given the current climate, and I guess that gives us more time to think, to notice and to reflect. Normally life is so demanding and busy that we don't always have the opportunity for such self awareness.

I've been thinking about behaviours a lot this week and I have come to the conclusion that we actually only really have two options in relation to the behaviours we demonstrate or react to. 


We witness our behaviours or the behaviours of others and choose accordingly! We can choose to change our behaviour (or our response to behaviour) or we can repeat the behaviour (or our response to behaviour), it really is quite simple once we recognize it. 

It's made me really focus on my intention to be more than to do. Who we are in these times is going to set the tone for all we do. 

My intention through this is to be kind. Kind to myself and kind to others. Simple. 

How do you want to be? 

Which behaviours do you want to CHANGE, and which do you want to REPEAT

Let me know if this strikes a chord and who you want to be through this. 

With love, 

Your Coach, 

Lora x


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